Catch Up - Friends and Misadventures

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hi again!

So, now you've got the basic jist of how I got here, here's the goss of what's been happening so far!

On the Sunday when I first arrived here, I couldn't find anyone who looked even remotely Western, so I headed down to the dining hall (Shi-Tang - yes I know... makes you hungry for food doesn't it.) Found one person who spoke Enligh to help translate that 'I want food... yes... that one... no not fish heads... THAT one!' I then proceded to sit at a table surrounded by Asian students. Now for those who aren't aquainted to how to eat in China, I shall explain.
1. Head down...
2. Chop-Sticks poised...
3. Shovel, Shovel, Shovel!

Oh and please spit out all the bones onto the table... not the plate! If you aren't used to this, sitting at a table by yourself surrounded by people spitting bones onto the table space next to you can come as quite a shock! ... (but it all comes along with the snorting, spitting and other bodily sounds we've discovered in China)

Though you do get used to it, and my friends and I still find it amusing. (true levels of maturity showing through) :)

and no... none of you have been replaced, but I have got some new friends! They are all from Michigan State University (MSU) in the USA. Megan, Brett, Kelsey and Dalila... I think they must have felt sorry for this strange Aussie by herself and have taken me into their group! :)

We've had many misadventures so far, mostly including a taxi and mistranslations or attempts at communicating, but it's all part of the fun!

Though I must admit, we wouldn't have been able to get anything done i.e. mobiles, internet, accommodation etc if it was from our Chinese friend Li Cheng. He's been amazingly helpful!

Now ... it's freezing cold over here(it's been raining and about 2 degrees the entire time I've been here) brrrrrrrrrr... so my fingers are starting to get cramps from all this typing so i'm going to stop here. But check out the few photos that I've taken and I'll write again soon.

Oh yeah and I had my placement test today... let's just say i'm going to be in level 1... but at least it's not level 0.

anyway... Mum just hopped online with Skype so ditching you all!

love you and miss you heaps.

Steph xx